cry wolf 2.11   The boy who cried wolf.
  kill wolf 1.58   The wolves were killed for rabies tests.
  keep wolf 1.12   But it was worth it to keep the wolves from the door.
  release wolf 1.05   Released the wolf back into the wilderness.
  reintroduce wolf 0.92   And they have reintroduced wolves.
  shoot wolf 0.72   Also, it is legal to trap and shoot wolves in Quebec.
  see wolf 0.59   I saw wolves in a wild place.
  bring wolf 0.46   They still think bringing wolves back is a wrong-headed idea.
  track wolf 0.46   The dogs tracked the wolf to its lair.
  remove wolf 0.33   At that point, the wolves might be removed from the federal Endangered Species List.
  protect wolf 0.26   On Friday, the groups won a court order protecting the wolves from hunters at least two weeks.
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