place within 19.68   All this took place within a year.
  division within 19.42   Division within the European Union is not new.
  group within 11.52   Venture groups within Alex.
  debate within 10.93   Ongoing debate within the administration.
  faction within 9.48   My task is to unite the rival factions within the party.
  position within 9.41   He also held many key positions within the UN.
  election within 9.22   He promised new elections within a year.
  area within 9.02   Power had returned to most areas within three hours.
  tension within 8.62   But the bid set off tensions within the exile community.
  change within 8.29   But that is to change within days.
  problem within 8.10   It can create problems within the company.
  support within 7.97   But her support within the party suffered.
  opposition within 7.64   But there could be some opposition within the PPI.
  autonomy within 7.37   The rebels fight for autonomy within Turkey.
  decision within 7.37   It will make it decision within six months.
  country within 7.31   These people must leave the country within a day.
  state within 7.24   The MOF is a state within the state.
  corruption within 7.04   ...a federal grand-jury probe into corruption within the FDA.
  people within 7.04   They got to know a lot of people within the community.
  split within 6.65   It also underlined splits within the GOP.
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