expect weather 9.28   Rainy weather is expected.
  forecast weather 6.71   Dry weather is forecast through June.
  blame weather 5.46   Blame the weather.
  bring weather 5.27   September brings cooler weather to the whole region.
  predict weather 4.48   Predicting the weather is tough.
  dominate weather 4.02   High pressure is dominating local weather today.
  have weather 3.16   It also has good weather.
  say weather 2.37   Police said stormy weather and high waves caused the vessel to sink.
  affect weather 1.91   Both can affect weather worldwide.
  enjoy weather 1.78   And enjoy the weather.
  control weather 1.65   But we cannot control the weather.
  freeze weather 1.38   Freezing weather was expected that night.
  change weather 1.25   It may be changing the weather as well.
  influence weather 1.25   A warming of the Eastern Pacific, it influences weather worldwide.
  monitor weather 1.25   Mariners should monitor the weather.
  watch weather 1.25   Watch the weather.
  check weather 1.18   Check the weather before you make plans.
  cite weather 1.18   Welsh cites the weather.
  promote weather 1.18   Calfornians have a huge investment in promoting their weather.
  improve weather 0.99   This translates to improving weather into Saturday.
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