ride wave 15.34   Just ride the waves.
  make wave 9.55   She made waves there.
  follow wave 7.57   The sales follow a wave of new supply.
  trigger wave 7.50   The ruling triggered a wave of protests.
  send wave 5.07   The storm sent great waves crashing into the cliffs.
  spark wave 5.07   The assassination sparked a wave of killings.
  cause wave 4.61   Its contents caused more waves.
  unleash wave 3.69   It unleashed a wave of violence across the West Bank and Gaza.
  create wave 3.36   Nobody creates waves.
  catch wave 3.16   Catch a wave in County Donegal.
  see wave 3.09   I saw white waves.
  launch wave 2.83   Kadhafi launched the wave of deportations in early September.
  prompt wave 2.37   Its success has prompted a wave of imitators.
  generate wave 2.17   Strong underwater earthquakes frequently generate tsunami waves.
  face wave 1.84   They faced wave after wave of fresh troops.
  do wave 1.71   She does the wave.
  feel wave 1.71   You have to feel the waves.
  suffer wave 1.71   The region has also suffered a wave of crime, especially abductions.
  expect wave 1.51   Flanagan expects a wave of job cuts.
  bring wave 1.45   That brought another wave of cheers from the audience.
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