narrow waterway 1.97   A narrow waterway, the Bosporus, divides the city into two.
  inland waterway 1.25   It is an important inland waterway that sees heavy traffic.
  strategic waterway 1.05   The move angered France, Britain and Israel, who feared the strategic waterway could be cut off.
  navigable waterway 0.79   The Blackstone is not considered a navigable waterway.
  busy waterway 0.72   Oil tankers and cargo ships ply the busy waterway.
  international waterway 0.66   Neither those straits, nor any other major international waterway, is closed to U.S. ships now.
  natural waterway 0.59   Not only the air we breathe but the natural waterways of the world are endangered.
  major waterway 0.46   The Red River and other major waterways are nearing their banks.
  local waterway 0.33   The tribe fear that tailings from the mine may contaminate local waterways.
  polluted waterway 0.33   They also say too little emphasis is paid to improving polluted waterways.
  european waterway 0.26   It is also a key port on the Sava River that would give Muslims and Croats access to European waterways and markets.
  intercoastal waterway 0.26   The lights designate the passage through the causeway to the intercoastal waterway.
  vital waterway 0.26   NATO bombardments of the bridges have halted commercial traffic along the vital waterway.
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