fat wallet 1.18   Instead, Lane will have the fat wallet.
  black wallet 0.86   Two people held up black wallets.
  electronic wallet 0.79   Invented a talking electronic wallet for the blind.
  full wallet 0.72   Dimon is leaving Citigroup with a full wallet.
  empty wallet 0.66   We, too, have empty wallets.
  bulging wallet 0.39   Or that people who care about you can be just as reliable as a bulging wallet?
  stolen wallet 0.33   The police recovered his stolen wallet.
  thick wallet 0.33   The man pulled out a thick wallet, which was empty save his ID card.
  digital wallet 0.26   Frequent travelers must store it on laptops to use a digital wallet on the road.
  lighter wallet 0.26   For those who do give, a lighter wallet is their only reward.
  open wallet 0.26   Those with their wallets open will be carrying the economy on their back, according to economists.
  plastic wallet 0.26   I think that plastic wallets inside the job files.
  postal wallet 0.26   Postal wallets or folders.
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