recruit volunteer 3.69   Volunteers are being recruited from five states.
  use volunteer 2.17   But Wood said he could still use more volunteers.
  have volunteer 1.65   McCain has eager volunteers.
  send volunteer 1.51   All the chapters send volunteers to New York for training.
  need volunteer 1.45   Many volunteers are needed.
  find volunteer 1.25   Finding volunteers is a challenge.
  organize volunteer 1.05   Volunteers are being organized by e-mail.
  seek volunteer 0.99   It is now seeking more volunteers.
  train volunteer 0.99   We train volunteers every weekend.
  provide volunteer 0.79   City officials have provided the volunteers with cell phones and vacuum cleaners.
  attract volunteer 0.72   Not surprisingly, the corps attracts volunteers who are ambitious and adventurous.
  accept volunteer 0.59   Ford said that Utah had refused to accept civilian volunteers.
  get volunteer 0.59   And where do you get enough volunteers for something like that?
  thank volunteer 0.59   Many come to thank the volunteers.
  place volunteer 0.53   Americorps places volunteers in poor communities, often as teachers in inner city schools.
  protect volunteer 0.53   In some states, laws protect volunteers, at least to some degree.
  join volunteer 0.46   Actors Ali McGraw and Levar Burton joined Habitat volunteers this week.
  mobilize volunteer 0.46   They mobilize their volunteers from churches.
  enlist volunteer 0.39   As Cross was starting at the church, King began enlisting volunteers to crusade in Birmingham.
  honor volunteer 0.39   Estrada will later deliver a speech at a program honoring volunteers joining the U.S. president.
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