have vision 31.14   And he had a vision.
  share vision 4.41   His wife shared his vision.
  blur vision 3.49   Blurred vision.
  outline vision 2.76   The President outlined his vision for the future.
  lose vision 2.63   You lose your vision.
  offer vision 2.50   Instead, Bush offered vision.
  see vision 2.17   Others saw visions.
  lack vision 1.71   They lack vision.
  improve vision 1.65   Surgical removal usually improves vision.
  realize vision 1.58   He never realized his vision.
  cloud vision 1.45   Fear had clouded his vision.
  include vision 1.45   Material will include vision from Aviano.
  articulate vision 1.32   The zealots can articulate their visions.
  bring vision 1.18   What a worthy new vision he brings to TV.
  correct vision 1.18   It corrected my vision.
  conjure_up vision 1.05   The notion of modeling conjures up visions of grandeur and glamour.
  fulfill vision 1.05   The book fulfills a vision that she had years ago.
  restore vision 1.05   A plastic lens inserted into the eye restores normal vision.
  pursue vision 0.99   He pursued that vision at Fruit of the Loom.
  impair vision 0.92   That lone frog had impaired vision, Werthen said.
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