reduce visibility 7.44   Dust clouds reduce visibility to zero.
  increase visibility 3.16   Or at least increasing visibility.
  limit visibility 2.11   Heavy snow limited visibility.
  have visibility 1.38   But he may have less visibility soon.
  raise visibility 1.38   This deal will significantly raise its visibility.
  improve visibility 1.05   It improves the visibility of the sport, Boldon said.
  gain visibility 0.92   The first stage is to gain visibility.
  hamper visibility 0.92   Snow also hampers visibility.
  cut visibility 0.59   Smoke from grass fires in the region had cut visibility.
  boost visibility 0.53   Over the Decades he has made sincere efforts to boost the visibility of blacks and gays.
  cause visibility 0.53   Heavy rain and cloud cover are said to have caused poor visibility at the airfield at the time.
  give visibility 0.53   He gave us visibility.
  obscure visibility 0.53   Dirty screens can also obscure visibility and restrict air flow.
  provide visibility 0.46   It blocks the glare, while still providing adequate visibility.
  restrict visibility 0.39   Patchy dense fog restricting visibility.
  affect visibility 0.33   Fog affected visibility in the middle of the course right after Strobl.
  enhance visibility 0.33   You try to enhance your visibility.
  decrease visibility 0.26   Patches of fog will decrease visibility.
  get visibility 0.26   Here was a big public policy issue and it never got much visibility.
  hinder visibility 0.26   Two ships collide Saturday off the western coast of Malaysia, where thick smoke has hindered visibility.
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