extoll virtue 5.53   And he extolled the virtues of a positive campaign.
  have virtue 4.34   Nepotism has its virtues.
  make virtue 3.69   We make a virtue of our differences.
  extol virtue 2.90   Maybe one that extols the virtues of the Sitcom-o-Matic.
  preach virtue 1.91   There, Bradley preached the virtue of resilience.
  see virtue 1.45   Others see specific virtues in FPA.
  tout virtue 1.05   The ruling party, personified by Mubarak, touts its virtues.
  learn virtue 0.79   It was there that civic virtues were learned.
  promote virtue 0.79   Meanwhile, lawmakers routinely promote the virtues of marriage.
  praise virtue 0.66   The lyrics go on to praise the virtues of docility and domesticity.
  appreciate virtue 0.53   Appreciating the virtue of patience.
  discuss virtue 0.46   Clintons discusses the virtues of loyalty.
  proclaim virtue 0.39   There was even a banner proclaiming the virtues of breastfeeding.
  reward virtue 0.39   Virtue was rewarded.
  trumpet virtue 0.39   But history rarely looks kindly on societies that trumpet their virtues and ignore their failings.
  celebrate virtue 0.33   He was celebrating the virtues of independent thought and freedom from tyranny, the brotherhood of man.
  emphasize virtue 0.33   On the other side many people in the establishment and the army emphasize the virtues of stability.
  find virtue 0.33   Even so, Christopher is finding virtue in the Moscow trip.
  embody virtue 0.26   President Eisenhower was a friendly and unpretentious man who seemed to embody American virtues.
  espouse virtue 0.26   Wondering if Sebadoh is one of those long-haired European metal bands espousing the virtues of Satan?
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