young viewer 8.62   They thought it was good for young viewers.
  younger viewer 7.64   Attracting younger viewers can be tricky.
  older viewer 3.62   It did manage to lose its older viewers.
  american viewer 2.90   It is just not the same for American viewers.
  male viewer 2.37   The network was down among male viewers.
  female viewer 2.30   Clearly, she understands the untapped market of female viewers.
  average viewer 1.65   But does the average viewer realize that?
  home viewer 1.45   And the biggest losers continue to be the home viewers.
  adult viewer 1.32   Adult viewers may want to hang around, too.
  new viewer 1.25   Quite an initiation for this new viewer.
  black viewer 1.18   Whatever the topic, black viewers are listening.
  casual viewer 1.18   We may lose some casual viewers.
  total viewer 1.05   CBS finished as the top network in total viewers.
  local viewer 0.99   Local viewers can expect more of that in the coming days.
  regular viewer 0.99   She is a regular viewer of the evening news.
  russian viewer 0.86   Russian viewers seemed divided.
  irate viewer 0.72   Irate viewers called the television network to complain about the show.
  potential viewer 0.72   That would drastically cut their potential viewers and, thus, their advertising revenue.
  video viewer 0.72   With Short and Allen on board, video viewers can be prepared for more aping than in all of Africa.
  ordinary viewer 0.66   But Ms. Winfrey never asks the questions an ordinary viewer might.
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