inspector verify 3.29   The inspectors have never verified that assertion.
  official verify 1.58   In addition, he said, Salt River officials verify references and call other sources.
  expert verify 0.72   Experts Verify Lincoln Flag in Conn.
  investigator verify 0.72   They cautioned, however, that the reports will have to be verified by investigators.
  authority verify 0.59   But by Saturday, authorities had only verified six dead.
  agency verify 0.46   Miller said the agency verified the claim about borrowing money.
  company verify 0.46   Some such companies immediately verify card numbers, and when they uncover fraud, deny access.
  police verify 0.46   Then the police must verify that the person has no criminal record and is not under investigation.
  scientist verify 0.46   The existence of Aorounga Central and Aorounga North must still be verified by scientists.
  alliance verify 0.39   When the alliance verified it has been completed, the air attacks would be suspended.
  employer verify 0.39   It would require employers to verify that workers were legally hired.
  government verify 0.33   The government has not verified any of those reports.
  reporter verify 0.33   An AP reporter verified the Orlate clash.
  commission verify 0.26   An international commission would verify IRA compliance.
  community verify 0.26   Iraq also should allow the international community to verify that it has no weapons of mass destruction, Lindh said.
  monitor verify 0.26   That makes sense -- if the monitors can verify that the embargo is really being enforced.
  report verify 0.26   Bonds hardly moved after an Economic Planning Agency report verified the economy shrank in June.
  system verify 0.26   Russia has also said it wants a system to verify U.S. reductions.
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