olympic venue 13.63   Another Olympic venue was less fortunate.
  new venue 6.91   Will it find new venues?
  same venue 6.12   Same venue as above.
  neutral venue 4.94   Mandela wants neutral venue for Libyan suspects.
  possible venue 2.83   Sudan has also been mooted as a possible venue.
  alternative venue 2.70   Police had not yet designated an alternative venue.
  different venue 2.50   Different venue, same outcome.
  major venue 2.17   We have a major venue on Sunset Strip booking blues.
  popular venue 1.78   But this is a popular venue.
  main venue 1.58   The new suburb is adjacent to the main Olympic venue.
  public venue 1.38   Both are being shown at auto shows, malls and other public venues this year.
  smaller venue 1.38   I would prefer a much smaller venue.
  perfect venue 1.25   This was the perfect venue.
  appropriate venue 1.18   Yours is simply not an appropriate Fall Classic venue.
  ideal venue 1.12   Harare is an ideal venue for watchsnakes.
  only venue 1.12   Its only other venue will be London.
  outdoor venue 1.05   The cheers were somewhat dimmed by the heat and the outdoor venue.
  sporting venue 1.05   Sporting venues already hosted big international competitions.
  the venue 0.99   The path between the two venues is wide open.
  boxing venue 0.92   Get off at the stop for boxing venue.
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