offer variety 17.71   I like to offer variety.
  have variety 15.54   It has a variety of names.
  use variety 13.82   He used a variety of aliases.
  include variety 5.40   It will include a variety of samples.
  try variety 4.02   Try another variety.
  provide variety 3.62   User groups provide a variety of services.
  hold variety 3.55   Since then, he has held a variety of board seats.
  make variety 3.29   Make a variety of friends.
  take variety 2.90   Tempered radicals take a variety of forms.
  develop variety 2.57   Glasgow is helping to develop a variety of local projects.
  produce variety 2.57   Companies that produce a variety of minerals will have mixed results.
  cause variety 2.50   The blackouts caused a variety of problems.
  discuss variety 2.44   But they discussed a variety of ways to find out.
  consider variety 2.24   Consider resistant varieties.
  sell variety 2.24   The store sells a variety of shoe brands.
  add variety 2.17   It adds variety to our typing.
  face variety 2.17   They face a variety of charges.
  cover variety 2.04   Multiple print options cover the variety of sizes.
  cite variety 1.78   ESPN officials cite a variety of reasons for staying.
  contain variety 1.78   The three CD-ROMs in this box contain a variety of programs.
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