develop vaccine 10.27   He said that Okuda developed the vaccine.
  make vaccine 6.39   There was no talk of making a vaccine.
  test vaccine 3.82   It also is used to test vaccines.
  receive vaccine 3.42   Half of those received the vaccine, half a placebo.
  use vaccine 3.36   The only question now is how best to use the vaccine.
  give vaccine 3.16   The vaccine is given by injection.
  produce vaccine 2.76   From this virus strain, Merck produced its vaccine.
  take vaccine 2.44   Defense Secretary William Cohen has taken the vaccine.
  get vaccine 2.30   You can get a vaccine now.
  administer vaccine 1.71   A new nerve-gas vaccine was administered to GIs.
  approve vaccine 1.51   Germany was the first country to approve the vaccine.
  create vaccine 1.18   Such information is needed to help create a vaccine.
  have vaccine 1.18   Maybe they have a vaccine.
  find vaccine 1.12   Efforts to find a vaccine continue.
  manufacture vaccine 1.12   It has a government subcontract to help Acambis manufacture the vaccine.
  need vaccine 1.12   We need the vaccines.
  sell vaccine 0.99   Cuba has sold the vaccine in Brazil, Argentina and Columbia.
  stockpile vaccine 0.99   President says U.S. must stockpile germ vaccines.
  deliver vaccine 0.92   He is growing prototype bananas at ASU that would deliver vaccines.
  distribute vaccine 0.92   He said vaccines were being distributed to clinics and health centers.
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