restore utility 2.24   Utilities have been restored.
  deregulate utility 1.97   Bush also wants to deregulate utilities to spur demand for natural gas.
  include utility 1.25   Does your rent include utilities?
  regulate utility 1.18   Sher said health care may have to be regulated in much the same way utilities are regulated.
  sport utility 1.12   Given the choice, which sport utility would I buy?
  buy utility 1.05   But such leeway will buy the utility only so much time.
  open utility 0.92   Both Britain and Australia have opened their utilities to competition.
  run utility 0.86   The state of New York run a utility?
  sell utility 0.79   The state plans to start selling the utilities next year.
  have utility 0.72   And yet, some of the services have real utility.
  prevent utility 0.72   Rate caps prevented utilities from passing on skyrocketing fuel costs to consumers.
  acquire utility 0.66   Acquiring utilities is going to get more expensive, Lennon said.
  own utility 0.66   Both companies already own utilities in Australia.
  privatize utility 0.66   And running privatized utilities.
  provide utility 0.66   The other is the SportCross, which provides the utility of a hatchback.
  see utility 0.59   Other experts see more utility in the analysis.
  use utility 0.53   They use utilities like any other group.
  hurt utility 0.46   A weakening yen also hurt utilities, whose imports of raw material will cost more.
  operate utility 0.46   The local state government will control police and operate utilities in the rest of the city.
  give utility 0.39   Instead, the utility was given a big pot of money and allowed to decide, pretty much on its own, how to spend it.
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