add urgency 3.55   It has added some urgency to his game.
  stress urgency 1.91   Erakat stressed the urgency of the target date.
  underscore urgency 1.38   Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., underscored the urgency of fixing the problem.
  feel urgency 1.32   They can feel your urgency.
  give urgency 1.32   The NRDC report gives urgency to her deliberations.
  have urgency 1.05   Players who have urgency.
  lend urgency 0.92   Violence lent urgency to the talks.
  gain urgency 0.86   Should the Sox lose Nomo, their pursuit of Park could gain urgency.
  lose urgency 0.72   I lost the urgency I had when I went out there.
  sense urgency 0.72   All sides seem to sense urgency.
  increase urgency 0.59   This increases the urgency of the task, and raises dramatic tension.
  understand urgency 0.59   But he understood the urgency of his situation.
  underline urgency 0.53   Their trip to Sarajevo was unscheduled, underlining the urgency of their mission.
  see urgency 0.46   But Shad saw less urgency in taking a firm stand on the problems of debt-financed hostile takeovers.
  inject urgency 0.39   After half an hour, Mexico injected new urgency into their attack by replacing Morales with prolific striker Luis Hernandez.
  reflect urgency 0.39   Whatever the reason, his voice reflected the urgency stirring him.
  assume urgency 0.33   And shipments of clothing have assumed urgency.
  convey urgency 0.33   Yet the tempo marking, Allegro vivace, conveys urgency.
  create urgency 0.33   You create urgency by winning the little battles.
  emphasize urgency 0.33   In his speech, Lampreia also emphasized the urgency of curbing nuclear proliferation.
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