economic upturn 4.28   An economic upturn, however, will take care of much of that.
  slight upturn 0.53   Only Deer Valley Resort has reported a slight upturn, he says.
  modest upturn 0.46   There has been a modest upturn in most parts of the industry.
  recent upturn 0.46   Others believe that crime in the area is on the rise, pointing to a recent upturn in bank robberies.
  cyclical upturn 0.39   But hopes for a cyclical upturn in the economy offered slight support, they added.
  expected upturn 0.39   An expected upturn in the economic cycle would help the trend, the analyst said.
  sharp upturn 0.39   There was a sharp upturn in price discounting this past weekend.
  seasonal upturn 0.33   He said that the wages data had been inflated by a seasonal upturn in one-off bonus payments.
  significant upturn 0.33   Chinese Premier Li Peng has confirmed that Sino-British relations are firmly back on track, presaging a significant upturn in economic ties.
  sudden upturn 0.33   Smith cautioned that there could be a sudden upturn.
  anticipated upturn 0.26   This time around, he said, everyone was positioning for the anticipated upturn in the business cycle.
  dramatic upturn 0.26   And there has been a dramatic upturn in teen smoking.
  global upturn 0.26   But both the settlement in Kosovo and the global upturn are proving tentative and fragile.
  gradual upturn 0.26   The scenario of a gradual upturn still remains most likely, she said.
  immediate upturn 0.26   And industry experts say there is no immediate upturn in sight.
  long-awaited upturn 0.26   It is hoped that these measures will trigger the long-awaited upturn in the economy.
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