protestant unionist 5.13   The Protestant unionist parties support it.
  pro-british unionist 1.25   Pro-British unionists nonetheless pointed the finger at the IRA.
  hard-line unionist 0.59   Hard-line unionists vowed to fight back.
  hardline unionist 0.59   Notat is accused by hardline unionists of having sold out to the government.
  mainstream unionist 0.59   Mainstream unionist opinion is squarely against concessions to prisoners.
  militant unionist 0.46   The more militant unionists are often referred to as loyalists.
  main unionist 0.39   David Trimble, leader of the main unionist party, agreed.
  moderate unionist 0.39   However more moderate unionists were hinting at a compromise on Mitchell.
  dissident unionist 0.33   Dissident unionists refuse to sit in the assembly with republicans.
  largest unionist 0.33   Hutchinson said that if the IRA restores its cease-fire, David Trimble, leader of the largest unionist party, will then hold the key.
  british unionist 0.26   British unionists discussed privatization in the electric utility industry and its impact on job security and future bargaining.
  leading unionist 0.26   And a leading Protestant unionist politician, appealing for an end to the violence, was heckled.
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