police uncover 6.06   Police uncover terrorist lair.
  investigation uncover 4.48   Investigation uncovers gold smuggling operation.
  investigator uncover 2.90   Investigators on uncover six bodies.
  authority uncover 1.91   Authorities have uncovered numerous such cases in the past.
  archaeologist uncover 1.32   Archaeologists uncover a trove of medieval artifacts.
  official uncover 1.18   These officials often uncover insidious working conditions.
  scientist uncover 0.92   Scientists uncover corpses.
  search uncover 0.92   The search uncovered four long guns and a handgun.
  research uncover 0.86   Recent research has uncovered some provocative clues.
  team uncover 0.79   A demolition team has uncovered a time bomb planted in the engine room of the sub.
  inquiry uncover 0.72   He said if an inquiry uncovered these actions, the perpetrators would face criminal proceedings.
  worker uncover 0.72   Then workers uncovered a beautiful ornate decoration on the gate.
  study uncover 0.66   The study also uncovered suggestions of genetic damage to sperm.
  troop uncover 0.66   The troops also uncovered a stack of rifles and ammunition.
  agent uncover 0.59   Federal agents also uncovered a conspiracy for widespread violence by the rebels, Zedillo said.
  probe uncover 0.59   The probes have uncovered no smoking gun.
  detective uncover 0.53   Detectives have uncovered a plan to smuggle illegal weapons into the country.
  force uncover 0.53   Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government.
  inspection uncover 0.53   And loans can still be delayed by problems uncovered by inspections.
  prosecutor uncover 0.53   Yet what specific evidence the prosecutors have uncovered against Torricelli remains to be seen.
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