giant turtle 0.79   A boy sits sifting sand through his fingers while a giant mechanical turtle crawls across the stage.
  endangered turtle 0.72   Costa Rica lets villagers harvest eggs of endangered turtles.
  live turtle 0.66   Such a shot demanded expert Marksmanship but meant the boat took a live turtle.
  black turtle 0.53   Green turtles and black turtles are the only herbivores.
  marine turtle 0.53   He said some colonies of marine turtles could be threatened.
  pet turtle 0.53   One family let their pet turtle, Sandy, take a swim.
  female turtle 0.39   Female turtles and their babies are even more vulnerable.
  small turtle 0.39   Erin Green, visiting from Iowa, is carting home two small pet turtles and a decorative umbrella.
  asian turtle 0.33   Asian turtles suffer the most.
  freshwater turtle 0.33   Many other freshwater turtle species are shrinking, too.
  rare turtle 0.33   Finally, we went camping on a beach where rare turtles lay their eggs.
  living turtle 0.26   The living turtle is then thrown back into the water, in the mistaken belief that it will re-grow its shell.
  mock turtle 0.26   Take the mock turtle, in every shade from crimson to chocolate.
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