black turban 2.57   Mullah Fazel, a heavy man in a large black turban, appeared unmoved.
  white turban 2.24   The kit includes a mask and a white turban.
  green turban 0.66   One man wearing a green turban was led away in handcuffs.
  red turban 0.53   He wore a robe and red turban and waved to Arafat on the stage.
  islamic turban 0.33   Turkish laws only allow officially-appointed clerics to wear Islamic turbans and cloaks.
  traditional turban 0.33   Karbaschi is the son of a clergyman and started a career in television wearing a traditional turban.
  voluminous turban 0.26   The elders, swathed in voluminous turbans, sat in a stark white cement building.
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