insert tube 4.94   Tubes are inserted down his throat.
  remove tube 2.50   The ear tubes were removed.
  use tube 1.84   I used two tubes and still have a problem.
  have tube 1.51   It had tubes.
  place tube 1.12   The tube is then placed in a beaker of water.
  take tube 0.79   Take the tube to Acton.
  attach tube 0.59   You can attach the tubes together for a family thrill.
  put tube 0.59   He said doctors put a tube in the lung to reinflate it.
  make tube 0.53   Wilton makes tubes of icing that accommodate metal tips and couplers.
  watch tube 0.53   Anyone needing confirmation just has to watch the tube.
  thread tube 0.46   During the procedure, surgeons threaded a tube from his groin to his heart.
  connect tube 0.39   They worked fast, connecting tubes, hooking up monitors, measuring blood pressure.
  find tube 0.39   The missile launch tube was found last month by patrolling guards.
  pass tube 0.39   A nasogastric tube had been passed.
  discover tube 0.33   According to the security officials, the container, known as a nuclear fuel assembly, had been cut open where the zirconium tube was discovered.
  stick tube 0.33   Cut an opening with the scalpel and stick the tube in.
  block tube 0.26   Nothing blocking important tubes.
  get tube 0.26   One group got ear tubes right away.
  implant tube 0.26   During the procedure, doctors often implant tiny tubes called stents to help keep arteries propped open.
  tie tube 0.26   She considered several options, including having her tubes tied.
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