steel tube 1.38   Or you might want to think of a steel tube.
  float tube 1.25   For my birthday this year I got a float tube.
  toothpaste tube 1.05   Colgate toothpaste tubes arrives on Market day.
  rubber tube 0.99   A garlic peeler shaped like a rubber tube.
  dip tube 0.92   Otherwise, a new dip tube will be installed.
  nasogastric tube 0.92   A nasogastric tube had been passed.
  tracheotomy tube 0.92   Williams cannot speak because of the tracheotomy tube.
  oxygen tube 0.86   Along one wall, glass chambers hold animals too small to have oxygen tubes in their nostrils.
  mesh tube 0.72   These long mesh tubes have a slit to drop money in.
  display tube 0.66   The company plans to make colour display tubes for computers.
  chest tube 0.59   No surgery was required, only a bit of stitching to insert a chest tube.
  missile tube 0.59   The missile launch tube was found last month by patrolling guards.
  ventilation tube 0.59   Ventilation tubes snaked everywhere.
  air tube 0.53   The divers risked puncturing their pressure suits or air tubes if they ventured further.
  squeeze tube 0.53   He ate a squeeze tube of applesauce and kept it down.
  television tube 0.53   The television tubes sputtered and fizzed.
  ear tube 0.46   The ear tubes were removed.
  mortar tube 0.46   Masked men brandished fake mortar tubes and vowed further attacks.
  fuel tube 0.39   The temperature shot up, the fuel started melting, and the fuel tube sprung a leak.
  neon tube 0.39   At night, hidden neon tubes will wash the exterior in soft colors.
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