company trim 2.30   Some companies will be trimming payrolls.
  analyst trim 0.59   Analysts have been trimming fourth-quarter earnings projections for the companies.
  business trim 0.59   Businesses were trimming stockpiles this year as the economy slowed to a crawl.
  cost trim 0.59   Moreover, rising costs trimmed profit margins.
  government trim 0.59   It is the second straight year that the government has trimmed spending.
  investor trim 0.59   Investors have been trimming their technology holdings.
  manufacturer trim 0.46   Auto sales, for example, remain weak as manufacturers trimmed their production targets.
  bank trim 0.39   The bank also trimmed costs.
  dollar trim 0.39   The news report also caused the dollar to trim its gains against the yen.
  corporation trim 0.33   Japanese corporations have also trimmed outlays on new plants and equipment.
  rate trim 0.33   Higher rates trim corporate earnings and make stock investment less attractive than bonds.
  step trim 0.33   Organizers have taken steps to trim the fat.
  stock trim 0.33   Blue chip stocks trimmed some of their earlier losses in midday trading.
  way trim 0.33   They are looking for ways to trim the budget.
  airline trim 0.26   Most airlines have trimmed back their operations.
  future trim 0.26   Heating oil futures trimmed their losses sparked by record imports and milder weather forecasts in the days ahead.
  jacket trim 0.26   I even had a taxi driver in Beijing who had a leather bomber jacket with mink trim.
  man trim 0.26   But Arif said men secretly do trim their beards.
  manager trim 0.26   They say more aggressive managers could trim spending enough to alleviate the need for a fare increase.
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