pink triangle 0.99   A woman sells buttons with pink triangles.
  romantic triangle 0.99   Here was a truly macabre romantic triangle.
  small triangle 0.79   Never has one small triangle meant so much to so many.
  white triangle 0.66   But the excited cries when the white triangles took off drew dozens more.
  golden triangle 0.59   A golden triangle they made.
  red triangle 0.59   A red triangle on the front denotes that the prisoner is political.
  equilateral triangle 0.53 equilateral triangle.
  inverted triangle 0.39   The pyramid, for example, becomes merely inverted triangles.
  large triangle 0.39   Alpha, or Hamal, forms a large triangle with Beta and Gamma Andromed?.
  little triangle 0.39   ...a box delicately inlaid with little triangles.
  disputed triangle 0.33   Sudan has been mentioning Nile River waters while restating its claim to Halaib, a disputed triangle on land on the Egyptian-Sudan border.
  eternal triangle 0.33   The eternal triangle may be the most overused configuration in drama.
  tiny triangle 0.33   A circle of tiny triangles of roasted pineapple are pointed upward like jagged peaks.
  complex triangle 0.26   She completes a complex triangle of misplaced priorities.
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