downward trend 17.31   But all show a downward trend.
  national trend 15.73   Georgia is tracking a national trend.
  new trend 13.63   Spot new trends.
  recent trend 13.56   That has been the recent trend.
  current trend 13.50   Current trends and musical climate.
  growing trend 13.43   This is a growing trend.
  upward trend 12.05   Inflation is on an upward trend.
  long-term trend 8.29   Yet the long-term trend continues.
  warming trend 8.23   A warming trend will continue Sunday.
  economic trend 7.64   This forecast is based on current economic trends.
  general trend 7.57   This is a general trend.
  latest trend 6.25   The latest trend is luxury SUVs.
  disturbing trend 5.86   It is a disturbing trend.
  similar trend 5.53   Other teams have similar trends.
  global trend 5.20   They are fighting a global trend.
  positive trend 5.07   These are positive trends.
  same trend 4.87   Shipments also show the same trend.
  overall trend 4.34   But the overall trend is down.
  demographic trend 4.15   Other demographic trends are gripping Germany.
  underlying trend 2.90   Even so, the underlying trend is positive.
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