deep trench 1.65   The Syrians had dug deep trenches crisscrossing the hill.
  new trench 0.92   The new trench will have the same dimensions.
  shallow trench 0.66   The men dig shallow trenches in which to sleep and keep watch.
  dug trench 0.53   Bulldozers and freshly dug trenches were seen in one of the abandoned camps.
  oceanic trench 0.46   The second category is closely related to oceanic trenches and their associated island arcs or mountain belts.
  political trench 0.39   Out in the political trenches, people are talking.
  defensive trench 0.33   Memici is now ringed by a warren of Serb defensive trenches and minefields.
  legislative trench 0.33   The final adoption came after months of legislative trench warfare on the measures.
  close trench 0.26   KLA rebels, wearing German-made fatigues and some with helmets and antitank weapons, manned trenches as close as a half-mile away.
  muddy trench 0.26   Their beds were caves, muddy trenches and deserted barns.
  open trench 0.26   The rest of the square is dust, dirt, open trenches and piles of gravel, sand and bags of cement.
  small trench 0.26   They huddle at night in a small trench on the outskirts of the camp.
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