product transition 0.79   Garrity said the product transition represents an opportunity for long-term investors such as Capital Research.
  leadership transition 0.72   The company is also in a leadership transition.
  management transition 0.66   The management transition had to be swift.
  one-year transition 0.53   The Genovese stores will be renamed Eckerd during a one-year transition.
  six-month transition 0.53   Brill has agreed to stay for a six-month transition.
  two-year transition 0.53   Austria has asked for a two-year transition.
  three-year transition 0.46   The election is intended to end a three-year transition to democracy.
  phase transition 0.39   Is it a phase transition?
  period transition 0.33   Sweden perceives that there is a need for transition periods, but not very long ones, said Hjelm-Wallen.
  career transition 0.26   Wanda Johnson knows about career transitions.
  five-year transition 0.26   The deal also commits Con Edison to cutting its rates during a five-year transition to full competition.
  ownership transition 0.26   The Celtic ownership transition is becoming ugly.
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