business transaction 9.08   There are business transactions all the time.
  cash transaction 4.15   The same goes for cash transactions.
  currency transaction 4.02   It deals mainly with foreign currency transactions.
  security transaction 3.42   Take notes when talking to your broker about a securities transaction.
  bank transaction 2.83   A bank transaction?
  land transaction 1.91   The charges involve three land transactions.
  share transaction 1.78   The scrips were dispatched here for settlement of share transactions.
  property transaction 1.65   Again, Maag and Jones would figure in a property transaction.
  drug transaction 1.38   Their mission is to disrupt drug transactions along the route.
  credit-card transaction 1.32   You had better keep complete records of your credit-card transactions.
  swap transaction 1.25   Without the baht attack, the BOT would not have had to enter into the swap transactions.
  card transaction 1.12   But many consumers are not aware that a card transaction can also overdraw an account.
  player transaction 0.99   During a lockout, no player transactions can be made.
  bond transaction 0.92   In the past, Salomon took on bond transactions that other brokerages shunned.
  trade transaction 0.92   If improvements are required in its trade transactions, it should beprepared to do so.
  equity transaction 0.86   Every equity transaction is reviewed by three employees.
  mail transaction 0.79   An unexpected error has occurred while processing your mail transaction.
  money transaction 0.79   They allegedly were financed through illegal money transactions.
  partnership transaction 0.79   Each partnership transaction was closely reviewed by Enron executives, the report says.
  sham transaction 0.79   The energy companies denied that they were party to any sham transactions.
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