have tradition 15.34   Everybody has traditions.
  follow tradition 8.95   Hokkiens follow this tradition.
  continue tradition 7.24   Continue the tradition yourself.
  break tradition 3.09   I broke every tradition.
  maintain tradition 2.70   That great tradition we shall maintain.
  preserve tradition 2.30   Now that tradition is preserved.
  uphold tradition 1.84   Uphold the traditions.
  keep tradition 1.58   And many kept their traditions.
  start tradition 1.58   Start a tradition.
  respect tradition 1.45   Tyson respects boxing tradition.
  revive tradition 1.32   And traditions are being revived.
  defy tradition 1.18   Steve Forbes has defied tradition.
  establish tradition 1.12   In this way, a tradition was established.
  abandon tradition 0.99   Granger said he did not plan to abandon the tradition forever.
  end tradition 0.99   The Employment Division decision ended that tradition.
  honor tradition 0.99   Taylor honors that tradition.
  begin tradition 0.92   Comus began the tradition of themed parades.
  challenge tradition 0.92   Abbot who challenged Catholic tradition resigns.
  change tradition 0.92   I refuse to change tradition.
  observe tradition 0.92   Traditions will be observed.
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