produce toxin 4.02   These bacteria can produce powerful toxins.
  release toxin 1.65   The disease releases toxins into the bloodstream.
  contain toxin 0.86   But not all fish contain the toxin.
  neutralize toxin 0.72   Most water treatment techniques neutralize the toxin.
  remove toxin 0.59   The North Shore has two industrial pretreatment plants to remove toxins.
  use toxin 0.59   The Aum Shinrikyo cult has been accused of trying to use botulinum toxin.
  make toxin 0.46   But some bacteria make a toxin that kills the borer.
  carry toxin 0.39   Then, the red blood cells carry the toxins to the liver, where they are destroyed.
  eliminate toxin 0.39   Chronic renal failure is caused by the incapacity of the kidneys to eliminate toxins.
  ingest toxin 0.39   She was not known to have ingested any toxins.
  absorb toxin 0.33   On reaching the Arctic, the toxins are absorbed by plankton and other microorganisms.
  secrete toxin 0.33   In both cases, the organisms just secrete damaging toxins into the body where they are growing.
  detect toxin 0.26   Toxins were detected in his blood stream.
  filter toxin 0.26   The dialyzers filter toxins out of the blood of patients whose kidneys have failed.
  find toxin 0.26   The toxin also was found in fish from the Banana River.
  put toxin 0.26   Iraq has put the toxin in missiles and bombs.
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