build tower 4.81   The New York Times built the tower.
  hit tower 2.50   Then the south tower is hit.
  climb tower 1.45   One prison guard climbed a tower daily.
  have tower 1.18   It has towers, too.
  destroy tower 0.99   The Soviet secret police also destroyed some towers.
  use tower 0.86   The tower was used for TV broadcasts before the Taliban banned it.
  strike tower 0.72   A crane operated by a student had struck the tower.
  construct tower 0.59   As they are constructing the tower, a crowd begins to assemble.
  surround tower 0.59   Meanwhile, the tower had become surrounded by condominiums.
  capture tower 0.53   Within an hour, U.S. Army Sgt. Michael Chinchar had captured that tower.
  leave tower 0.53   But Mark and I rarely left the tower.
  see tower 0.53   She used to look out her window and see the towers.
  close tower 0.46   The tower is closed.
  evacuate tower 0.46   The bank tower was evacuated early Thursday.
  own tower 0.46   Omni America also owns towers in Florida and Ohio.
  rebuild tower 0.39   Should twin towers be rebuilt?
  target tower 0.39   A TV relay tower was also targeted there, state media said.
  attack tower 0.33   He was called to the trade center after the towers were attacked.
  connect tower 0.33   The tower is connected to the hotel by skywalk.
  damage tower 0.33   But the steel-girded tower was barely damaged.
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