foot touch 3.03   Your feet touch the floor periodically.
  hand touch 2.76   Our hands touched.
  talk touch 2.57   The talks would also touch on NATO reforms.
  issue touch 1.65   The pledge issue touches that nerve.
  ball touch 1.58   Is that ball touching Shirley?
  people touch 1.51   I hate people to touch me.
  finger touch 1.45   His fingers touched those keys and touched us.
  case touch 1.18   But the latest case has touched a nerve.
  decision touch 1.18   The decision touched off a furor.
  death touch 1.05   All are touched by death.
  discussion touch 0.99   The discussion touched on a sore spot.
  player touch 0.92   The player touched the ball with his hand.
  story touch 0.92   Such stories always have touched Smith.
  attack touch 0.86   The attack touched off a firefight that wounded one American soldier.
  incident touch 0.86   The incident touched off a nasty brawl.
  move touch 0.86   The move touched off a furor.
  scandal touch 0.86   No sex scandal has ever touched him.
  child touch 0.79   Would my child touch a gun?
  conversation touch 0.79   The conversation never touched on Clinton, Monica Lewinsky or impeachment.
  man touch 0.79   But the garbage men would not touch it.
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