open to 314.95   He is open to better suggestions.
  up to 272.42   What are you up to?
  guilty to 220.01   Henderson pled guilty to burglary.
  loyal to 191.25   And he is loyal to a fault.
  important to 176.24   Is water so very important to life?
  prior to 125.15   I spoke with Sarah prior to the meeting.
  able to 96.05   I might be able to.
  next to 91.51   Golly sit next to dolly.
  likely to 76.56   This is likely to change.
  difficult to 61.75   And difficult to beat.
  en_route to 53.00   By midgame, he was en route to the hospital.
  easy to 49.44   The system is easy to use.
  critical to 47.86   Which is so critical to us.
  central to 47.73   It was central to the plan.
  clear to 46.41   Is that clear to everybody?
  innocent to 46.21   He pleaded innocent to the charges.
  acceptable to 45.10   Be acceptable to the victim.
  ready to 43.19   And be ready to jump.
  hard to 40.49   But it was hard to use.
  unable to 40.29   But I was unable to.
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