rising tide 16.33   A rising tide lifts all boats.
  political tide 1.91   The political tide has turned against black Americans.
  human tide 1.58   They had fled Saturday, swept up in the human tide.
  incoming tide 1.58   He risked drowning in the incoming tide.
  growing tide 1.51   A growing tide of visitors from abroad is discovering what he meant.
  brown tide 1.38   But that could change quickly, if the brown tide returned.
  strong tide 1.05   There was a strong rising tide.
  outgoing tide 0.99   Outgoing tide carries off soil and sediment.
  receding tide 0.79   Statistics shine a light on the receding tide.
  conservative tide 0.72   A conservative tide has swept the nation.
  economic tide 0.66   The rising economic tide has not lifted all boats.
  national tide 0.66   We see no national tide at work in this primary.
  republican tide 0.66   But the Republican tide was unstoppable.
  new tide 0.59   Less perceptibly, however, a new tide is rolling in.
  democratic tide 0.53   Republicans have lost in Democratic tides.
  cultural tide 0.46   But the Israeli Parliament is trying to turn the cultural tide.
  powerful tide 0.46   But Ridge is swimming against powerful political tides.
  shifting tide 0.46   Green told reporters Friday that he was not concerned about the shifting tides.
  falling tide 0.39   Newport look for coaches to turn a falling tide.
  high tide 0.39   The wind was calm, the seas light, the tide high.
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