armed thug 2.30   In Kabul, females are often targeted by armed thugs.
  young thug 2.30   The young thugs had their reasons too.
  street thug 2.11   Street thugs are not interchangeable.
  local thug 0.99   His story about a fast-food killing spree helped put two local thugs on Death Row.
  paramilitary thug 0.86   Paramilitary thugs operate with impunity.
  serb thug 0.46   The Serb thugs who were supported by and took orders from these men are profiles of sadism and hate.
  vicious thug 0.46   We were surrounded by a gang of vicious thugs, armed with knives.
  brutal thug 0.39   In a neighborhood of brutal thugs, he operated with a basic decency.
  english thug 0.39   Police flailing sticks moved in to subdue English thugs.
  murderous thug 0.39   Clinton had called Cedras a murderous thug.
  common thug 0.33   You have a tough time elevating him above the rank of common thug.
  german thug 0.33   It was strikingly different scene from Lens last Sunday, when rioting by German thugs left a French policeman in a coma.
  hired thug 0.33   He was just the hired thug.
  jackbooted thug 0.33   Its message is that the IRS consists of a bunch of jackbooted thugs who are after all of our worldly possessions.
  protestant thug 0.33   Before that, her deaf brother was nearly beaten to death by Protestant thugs.
  gun-toting thug 0.26   They are too frightened to speak out against the gun-toting thugs.
  violent thug 0.26   The war had turned Cassidy into a violent thug.
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