beat throw 6.45   Replays showed he beat the throw.
  make throw 6.12   He makes his throw.
  bounce throw 1.65   All have bounced throws to first base.
  drop throw 1.45   But Offerman dropped the throw.
  take throw 1.18   Gonzalez stood at first taking the throws.
  draw throw 0.99   McRae stole second without drawing a throw.
  rush throw 0.92   I rushed the throw.
  fake throw 0.86   Then Clemens faked a throw to first base.
  catch throw 0.72   Greg Gagne had to leap to catch the throw.
  hurry throw 0.66   I had to hurry the throw a little bit.
  free throw 0.46   Two more free throws.
  have throw 0.46   I wish I had the throw back.
  miss throw 0.46   We missed some throws.
  attempt throw 0.39   Catcher Scott Hatteberg did not attempt a throw as McRae became the first Met to reach second.
  force throw 0.39   As a result, Johnson has forced some throws into coverage.
  receive throw 0.33   Newson headed home and slid in as Van Poppel received the throw from Steinbach.
  bobble throw 0.26   He bobbled a throw from first base allowing Alex Rodriguez to reach leading off the inning.
  fire throw 0.26   As Bates scored, Johnson bobbled the ball and fired a throw that skipped past catcher Todd Hundley.
  lob throw 0.26   She lobbed a throw to the pitcher.
  muff throw 0.26   Webster Slaughter also muffed a throw from Reich.
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