take throne 2.17   The hard part is taking the throne.
  ascend throne 1.71   Start there, with Caliban ascending the throne.
  abdicate throne 1.51   The king abdicated the throne.
  assume throne 1.45   Women are banned from assuming the throne.
  inherit throne 0.92   Who will inherit his throne?
  reclaim throne 0.72   Napoleon will return to Paris and reclaim his throne.
  regain throne 0.59   He says he has no intention of trying to regain his throne.
  lose throne 0.53   Napoleon lost his throne but made a comeback.
  claim throne 0.39   VIII invades Italy to claim throne of Naples.
  keep throne 0.39   But the Cowboys, like any true champion, fought to keep their throne.
  share throne 0.39   The dollar will still be king, but it will have to share the throne with a euro queen.
  restore throne 0.33   Recent polls have shown that more than half those questioned want a referendum on restoring the throne.
  usurp throne 0.26   His throne was usurped, however.
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