control tempo 5.13   You control the tempo.
  set tempo 2.04   That set the tempo.
  dictate tempo 1.65   And the Burn began dictating the tempo.
  up tempo 1.32   How can the Lakers up the tempo?
  slow tempo 1.18   Instead, they slow the tempo even more.
  change tempo 0.92   I changed the tempo.
  increase tempo 0.79   A sliding bar increased the tempo.
  force tempo 0.59   They force the tempo.
  push tempo 0.59   He pushed the tempo.
  raise tempo 0.59   This was no psychological ploy by Arena to force Reyna to raise his tempo.
  speed tempo 0.46   Then her piano player sped the tempo.
  establish tempo 0.39   Lewis eagerly awaits the opportunity to establish the tempo.
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