shed tear 19.03   Few tears were shed.
  wipe tear 18.96   Some wiped away tears.
  have tear 11.26   I had tears.
  bring tear 7.97   That brought more tears.
  choke_back tear 4.94   He had to choke back tears.
  cry tear 2.57   I cried tears.
  blink tear 2.30   People blink back tears.
  see tear 2.04   We saw her tears.
  hold_back tear 1.71   And holds back tears.
  weep tear 1.71   She wept tears of joy.
  repair tear 1.51   Offseason surgery to repair the tear is possible.
  feel tear 1.45   He felt a tear in his eye.
  back tear 1.38   She looked away, fighting back her tears.
  brush tear 1.32   Catherine brushed away tears.
  reveal tear 1.32   An MRI on Thursday revealed a tear.
  dab tear 1.18   As she spoke, one jurors dabbed tears from her cheeks with a tissue.
  dry tear 1.12   To those who dry tears.
  fight tear 1.05   She looked away to fight tears.
  hide tear 1.05   It helped hide the tears in his eyes.
  suffer tear 0.86   Carver also could have suffered a tear in his brain, Arnold said.
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