use tactics 22.38   He uses unconventional tactics.
  change tactics 8.62   So she changed her tactics.
  switch tactics 2.83   So he switched tactics.
  adopt tactics 2.50   Cook has adopted both tactics.
  employ tactics 2.50   Egypt employs varying tactics in battle with terrorism.
  delay tactics 2.17   Macedonia saw this as delaying tactics.
  discuss tactics 1.65   The team was discussing tactics for the game.
  criticize tactics 1.38   Democrats are criticizing his tactics.
  try tactics 1.18   And some of them are trying other tactics.
  shift tactics 0.99   But Bradley may have recently shifted eating tactics.
  defend tactics 0.92   Jopling defends such tactics.
  question tactics 0.92   But I question their tactics.
  stall tactics 0.79   Executives at Univision dismissed those complaints as stalling tactics.
  adjust tactics 0.66   The Navy soon adjusted its tactics.
  condemn tactics 0.59   But how can Democrats condemn tactics their party proudly practiced for so long?
  develop tactics 0.59   Workers also developed new tactics.
  have tactics 0.59   They have little tactics for rebounding and defense.
  know tactics 0.53   He knows tactics.
  alter tactics 0.46   Winter will set in around September, greatly altering tactics in the icy highlands and mountain peaks.
  learn tactics 0.46   Tactics are best learnt across the table, in the boardroom or coffee shop.
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