deep suspicion 4.61   We have our deep suspicions.
  mutual suspicion 4.15   The disagreement reflects mutual suspicion.
  widespread suspicion 3.03   There are widespread suspicions he is being held in Iran.
  public suspicion 2.83   Public suspicion initially fell on the military.
  strong suspicion 2.50   But it raises a strong suspicion.
  growing suspicion 2.17   There is growing suspicion in Washington that the sales took place.
  reasonable suspicion 1.84   Reasonable suspicion is a lower legal standard.
  initial suspicion 1.65   It may explain the initial suspicion of outsiders.
  immediate suspicion 1.32   But Yuzhin escaped immediate suspicion.
  lingering suspicion 1.18   Despite lingering suspicion of outsiders, tourism is growing.
  similar suspicion 1.18   Political dissent provokes similar suspicion.
  old suspicion 1.05   Still, old suspicions die hard.
  early suspicion 0.92   Over the years, much of this early suspicion fell away.
  increasing suspicion 0.92   As news of his triptych spread, he fell under increasing suspicion.
  great suspicion 0.86   Here they treated hops with great suspicion.
  mere suspicion 0.86   What is not enough... is mere suspicion.
  nagging suspicion 0.79   A nagging suspicion that we live in lesser times.
  sneaking suspicion 0.79   I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.
  worst suspicion 0.79   The worst suspicions harbored by Yankee fans were true.
  long-held suspicion 0.72   The return of capital punishment has reinforced the long-held suspicion that New York is not one state but two.
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