result surprise 3.29   The result surprised me.
  move surprise 2.17   The move surprised many.
  news surprise 1.45   The news surprised Texas GOP officials.
  announcement surprise 1.32   His announcement surprised everyone.
  decision surprise 1.25   The decision surprised some.
  company surprise 1.18   Some companies already surprised investors.
  answer surprise 1.12   His answer surprised me.
  finding surprise 1.12   The finding surprised her.
  report surprise 0.92   Guard Mark Jackson said the retirement report surprised him.
  number surprise 0.59   The numbers might surprise you.
  response surprise 0.59   The response may surprise you.
  figure surprise 0.53   Texas Tech figures surprised officials there.
  increase surprise 0.53   Still, the rate increase surprised analysts and traders.
  reaction surprise 0.53   That reaction surprised Zwigoff.
  success surprise 0.53   He said his success surprised him.
  team surprise 0.53   But this team surprises me.
  comment surprise 0.46   Of course, such comments surprised no one.
  drop surprise 0.46   The drop surprised statisticians.
  ruling surprise 0.46   The ruling surprised and saddened people throughout Illinois.
  consumer surprise 0.39   And sometimes those consumers surprise you.
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