cut subsidy 7.57   At the same time, Europe is cutting its subsidies.
  provide subsidy 6.71   It earlier provided subsidies on imported medicines.
  reduce subsidy 6.19   It will also reduce subsidies to private companies.
  receive subsidy 6.12   Most residents receive disability subsidies.
  eliminate subsidy 5.27   But Congress wants to eliminate subsidies soon.
  end subsidy 3.88   It also ended all subsidies on food.
  pay subsidy 2.96   It also pays subsidies to the local governments.
  offer subsidy 2.63   No subsidies would be offered to farmers, it added.
  increase subsidy 2.57   The government increased its subsidy of the price of bread.
  slash subsidy 2.57   Congress has begun to slash subsidies.
  get subsidy 2.24   Sometimes we even get subsidies.
  include subsidy 2.11   The plan also included subsidies for farmers and local police forces, the report said.
  use subsidy 1.58   Kenya used subsidies to encourage exports.
  give subsidy 1.38   Federal subsidies are still given to tobacco farmers.
  remove subsidy 1.32   He fears that until state subsidies are removed, Russia will never have a truly free press.
  grant subsidy 1.18   Instead, the government has granted subsidies to firms that are in trouble.
  demand subsidy 1.12   Their employers often demand subsidies.
  oppose subsidy 1.12   Before he ran for president, Bradley opposed the subsidy.
  lift subsidy 0.99   Guweili said that there were no plans to lift the subsidies.
  lose subsidy 0.99   Farmers worry that they will lose subsidies.
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