management style 16.79   Management styles differ.
  leadership style 6.98   But James defended his leadership style.
  hair style 5.20   Some change their hair style.
  campaign style 4.08   One reason may be her campaign style.
  investment style 3.49   His investment style tends to be very defensive.
  signature style 3.16   The signature style in Kansas City.
  body style 1.51   He has a different body style than Bradley.
  country style 1.45   Maybe it was her country style.
  prose style 1.38   The prose style seemed vaguely familiar.
  dance style 1.32   Dance styles marked the biggest interfestival difference.
  performance style 1.32   Which brings us back to the question of performance style.
  house style 1.25   Nor did he re-write in order to achieve a smooth house style.
  trademark style 1.12   Gooding does it all with his trademark ingratiating style.
  communication style 0.92   His communication style is part of what and who he is.
  music style 0.92   Calypso is a traditional Caribbean music style.
  guitar style 0.86   Here he adds a hint of the traditional Spanish guitar style, flamenco.
  work style 0.86   The two of you may have very different work styles.
  season style 0.79   Pink is in style this season.
  uptempo style 0.79   They may be forced to play a more uptempo style.
  execution style 0.72   Each was shot in the head, execution style.
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