consecutive strikeout 0.59   He had eight consecutive strikeouts.
  called strikeout 0.53   He took a called strikeout on four pitches.
  straight strikeout 0.53   Five straight strikeouts, the place was going crazy.
  double-digit strikeout 0.46   Double-digit strikeouts.
  inning-ending strikeout 0.46   Grimsley then stunned Paul Konerko with a slider for an inning-ending strikeout.
  first strikeout 0.33   The first strikeout.
  key strikeout 0.33   Early, his breaking ball produced several key strikeouts.
  second strikeout 0.33   The batter after the second strikeout, Larkin, singled him home.
  fourth strikeout 0.26   But Smoltz made Gomez his fourth strikeout victim.
  high strikeout 0.26   His previous strikeout high this season was five.
  seventh strikeout 0.26   No problem, as Cone fanned Johnson for his seventh strikeout of the game.
  the strikeout 0.26   Start with the nine strikeouts.
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