great stride 13.50   He made great strides.
  full stride 3.16   He looks to be in full stride.
  significant stride 2.83   Over subsequent weeks, he made significant strides.
  big stride 2.57   He just gets into those big strides.
  giant stride 2.04   Yet there have been giant strides of credibility.
  huge stride 1.91   Ray Lucas made a huge stride, too.
  long stride 1.84   He has a long stride.
  major stride 1.78   He has made major strides towards the top in just two years.
  final stride 1.45   But with all that, he took the final strides toward a season that made history.
  enormous stride 1.25   Since then, the team has made enormous strides, he said.
  greater stride 0.86   Most in the industry agree that greater strides must be made.
  tremendous stride 0.66   But Kentucky has made tremendous strides in recent years.
  breaking stride 0.59   One man flew past the finish without breaking stride.
  important stride 0.59   As much as just winning a game was important, though, USC made several important strides.
  large stride 0.59   Progress is registered by tiny steps, not large strides.
  longer stride 0.59   Silver Charm has a longer stride.
  first stride 0.53   In the first few strides out of the box, the quest was all but over.
  impressive stride 0.53   Crew has made impressive strides in policy.
  greatest stride 0.46   Who has made the greatest strides?
  fluid stride 0.39   We need General Challenge to get away clean, and get into a nice fluid stride.
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