safety standard 40.95   The device meets safety standards.
  industry standard 14.22   Sets the industry standard.
  quality standard 12.18   This is a requirement of all quality standards.
  labor standard 11.32   Groups condemn WTO on labor standards.
  fuel standard 7.24   Tighter fuel standards?
  health standard 7.24   Local health standards are not high.
  performance standard 6.85   Are performance standards necessary?
  air standard 6.45   Air quality standards vary from state to state.
  emission standard 5.92   It also set automobile emission standards.
  world standard 5.46   The jobless figure is low by world standards.
  efficiency standard 5.13   Fuel efficiency standards have not moved.
  pollution standard 4.61   As a result, pollution standards are strict.
  admission standard 4.02   Tuition would be set low and admission standards high, Lewis said.
  security standard 4.02   The FAA sets security standards for airports nationwide.
  government standard 3.62   People died because of that government standard.
  science standard 3.29   Meanwhile, reaction to the science standards continues.
  community standard 2.96   Whose laws and community standards are to apply?
  curriculum standard 2.96   Instead, she proposed statewide curriculum standards.
  education standard 2.96   Education standards have changed, along with standards of professionalism.
  economy standard 2.76   Democrats have pressed for tougher automobile fuel economy standards.
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