put spotlight 5.60   Donnie won, put the spotlight on him.
  share spotlight 5.60   Learn to let others share the spotlight.
  steal spotlight 4.34   Fish stole the spotlight.
  turn spotlight 3.09   But it also served to turn the spotlight to Trimble.
  take spotlight 2.70   Kosovo takes spotlight from new NATO members.
  shine spotlight 2.24   By paying attention to them, Clinton shines a spotlight on them.
  grab spotlight 2.17   Not one of them seems eager to grab the spotlight.
  avoid spotlight 2.11   Also, many angels avoid the spotlight.
  shun spotlight 1.78   Gary Kubiak shuns the spotlight.
  throw spotlight 1.58   But you do want to throw a spotlight on it.
  hog spotlight 1.38   But he never hogs the spotlight.
  cast spotlight 1.25   While these cases exposed flaws in banking practices, the Marcos case would cast a spotlight on them.
  keep spotlight 1.18   Bush should keep the spotlight on Osama bin Laden.
  enjoy spotlight 1.12   New Belgrade mayor enjoys the spotlight.
  have spotlight 1.12   But at the moment, at least, Clinton has the spotlight in New York.
  seek spotlight 1.05   Jeffrey C. Walker does not seek the spotlight.
  use spotlight 0.99   The team now uses inexpensive spotlights.
  focus spotlight 0.92   Meanwhile, the brightest spotlight is focused on decorated denim.
  train spotlight 0.86   The spotlight is now trained on the Bruins.
  draw spotlight 0.72   Only the most sensational cases draw the spotlight.
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